Questo progetto nasce dalla scommessa che tutta l’Italia sia percorribile a piedi, senza macchina, senza nemmeno prendere un treno o un bus. L’idea è che ognuno di noi può condividere i percorsi a piedi che conosce. Una mappatura del nostro territorio, tale da farci esclamare: “Ammappa l’Italia!“.
Video di presentazione di “Paese Europa”
di Marina Vincenti, Marco Saverio Loperfido e Bricco
Marina: This is us: me, Marco and Bricco. On May 1 – 2017, we will get in the way and for six months will map new paths, starting from a small village of Lazio where we live and arriving in Brussels. A strange title for a project of a journey on foot, “Country Europe”. Why? To consider Europe a single geographic area, a unique landscape and to see it through its smaller villages.
2400 km during which we will take photos, we will track the path, we will write descriptions and collect the experiences of the territory.
We want to be real “old style postmen” and bring to Parliament the voices we will encounter, especially associations and committees. We will ask them to deliver us the real issues that they have faced.
On the website you will find our stops, day after day, to which you can join. But also thoughts, experiences, video and photographic reports.
All materials will be uploaded to the web, nevertheless the organization is the result of many collaborations.
The trip is needed primarily to us,to feel more European, to see Europe millimeter by millimeter. What better way than crossing it on foot?”
Partner:, Wwoof Italia, Co.Mo.Do., Around the Walk, Banda del Racconto.
Sponsor: RRtrek, Runnershop, Annulli Editori.
Patrocini: MIBACT, Comune di Soriano nel Cimino, AIGAE, ANCOS Confartigianato, Cai di Viterbo
FB: Ammappalitalia